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Fargo TV Series and Fargo the Movie / What you need to know.

Ok, lets start out with a bang kinda like the TV show does.  FARGO TV and Fargo Movie are not the same and the TV show is not based on the Movie.  Imagine it like this.  Think of Batman entertainment.  The movies and the shows of Batman are totally different stories but still include some of the same things or places that are similar. Example, Gotham City.  That city has been referred to in almost all the Batman movies and TV shows but different stories, different deaths, different scenes.  Fargo, Bemidji, Northern Minnesota is what the 'Fargos' have in common but, they are going to tell some different stories and have different deaths.

So does this mean there will be More Fargo movies and Fargo TV shows/series?  I don't hold the question to that but, if the show keeps going like it is, viewers are going to demand more episodes and if FX wants to please their viewers it would be smart to produce more.

Does this mean kids are going to be wanting to become Sheriffs of Bemidji for Halloween in the future?  I am not sure but I hope so although I wouldn't be surprised to see some 'sheriffs of Bemidji' at some 'adult Halloween party costumes in the near future.  Maybe its actually time Minnesota and especially northern Minnesota is being put on the map showing we have something to offer that is special in our own way.  I think the last time they said Duluth on the TV coming from Hollywood was when that chick coach from the mighty ducks was explaining that ducks fly together, then stated her town of origin, Duluth, Minnesota.

I must include that during my research into the movie and TV show Fargo, it did get some of its influence from a Murdered Housewife. Apparently the Coen brothers had some influence from the 1986 Connecticut murder of Helle Crafts who was ''Wood Chipped'' by her husband Richard Crafts.  That murder had to do with the husband cheating and the wife finding out. Google the names to find out more.

So there it is, you don't have to watch the movie Fargo in order for the show to make sense.

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Fargo Season 1 Episode 2 Thoughts and Comments

The big bang has definitely settled.  The 2nd episode of Fargo was good but, it wasn't as great as the first episode.  I guess to start a new series out you need to hook in your audience and that's what Fargo did.  However, even though it was good and not great, I will still continue to look forward to next episode.  Now that the first episode of Fargo has me interested and hooked its like reading a book...once you start you need to see how the rest and the end goes.  I would give this episode a B. not a B- or a B+ ... just a B.  I hope Fargo is like breaking bad though in the sense that Breaking Bad had great episodes and a few bad ones here and there then it would jump back up to flawless episodes. I guess its how the story goes though.  The more action packed it is, the better the episode seems.  Maybe I shouldn't expect too much action after the first set of murders as nothing really 'action packed' happens in northern Minnesota and when it does, well, they make movies and TV shows about it.  I do find myself wondering if I would be as interested in Fargo if I wasn't from Northern Minnesota and I never lived in Duluth or Bemidji.  I keep hoping I will see familiar sights when I watch Fargo but, then I remember it was filmed in Canada.  Does anyone know what grocery store they are referring to?

Are you a true fan? Get your Fargo T Shirt.  Made with Haines Tag-less Tshirts. Comfort and stylish. 
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Episode 2 Preview - The Rooster Prince


Looking forward to the episode of Fargo tonight.  Getting my refreshments ready and my pop cold.  Anyways, in tonight's episode someone is suspecting Lester of murder.  I hope he stays with us for many more episodes. Lester is a funny character.  There is something interesting about the underdog who stands up to their bullies and fights back or kills them.

Fargo Season 1 episode 1 "The Crocodile's Dilemma"

A nice way to start a new series.  The story is very interesting and being a Minnesotan its fun to watch.  As much as I enjoyed the first episode I thought the actors could have studied the 'Minnesota Personality' before they tried to act them but they got close enough for what takes years to build.  Anyways, for a show that lots of Minnesotans are going to watch and especially north westerners, they maybe should have filmed it in Minnesota.  I am not saying do the actual parts parts in Bemidji...as they probably couldn't now as its already progressed since 2006. and the majority of watching wont care anyways but I am just saying it doesn't give it the Minnesota feel when you see hills looking mountain like in some of the scenes.

I wonder if that really happened between the Duluth Police and Billy Bob.  I have known those cops to let someone off if they are nice and cooperative but with threats like that its something to think about.  They say this is based on a true story so did Billy Bob actually get called to hit in Duluth and if so I wonder could it have been me? only kidding.  Although its surprising how many 'accidents' are really accidents in that town.  Its a town just big enough to keep you busy enough not to think about how your life is actually going down than up and most people don't make it out and others escape to chemistry for better living.  Life for people there is circles and if Duluth were to have an anthem song it would be ' You spin me right round '

Enough about Duluth.  I give the series premier an A-.  It was great and kept me glued to the TV and the dark humor is just my taste.  I laughed so hard when the kid called that guy a pumpkin.  I have seen two pumpkins in my life and one is on TV.  the other one got his at Walmart for $15.00.  The murder of his wife was almost funny, I mean if she were to just get knocked out after the first hit with no blood I mean.  The commercial breaks were a main factor in the A-.  I realize and know about advertising they have to make their money too I just hope they lighten up a bit on them.

I will continue to watch and look forward to the rest of the season.

Series Premier Tonight!

Cant wait.  Its going to be kinda weird to see 'Saul' play a cop eh?